National Network of Abortion Funds / A unified voice for the collective impact of abortion funds
Audience research, CMS development, Content strategy, Website design, Website development

A secure platform for abortion access grounded in mutual aid.
The 2022 Supreme Court ruling on Dobbs fundamentally shattered Roe v. Wade, the bedrock of abortion access in the United States. Post-Dobbs, a groundswell of support for abortion justice thrust the National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF) into the spotlight like never before. New celebrity partners, members, and donations flooded in, but so did anti-choice activists. Quickly, NNAF found that its website lacked security and was no longer serving its audiences or performing its organizational goals.

We believe the most powerful thing Threespot can do is lift up the voices of those on the ground and be a partner in their fight. Presented with the opportunity to collaborate with NNAF, we envisioned a redesigned website that could be a secure, multi-lingual, highly performant experience that embodies their spirit of mutual aid. Together, we built a rock-solid platform for every person seeking an abortion, or assisting those who need one, to find the most direct route to support.

Content that informs, inspires, and empowers.
NNAF provides vital, life-saving information to abortion seekers, member funds, the press, allies, individual members, and the general public. Yet, like so many organizations, they’ve struggled with using insider language and providing too much dense content for users to digest. Through our discovery, we aligned on four imperatives: centering the narratives of those most impacted by their work, building a strong editorial system, breaking complex information into steps, and using inclusive language to clarify their role.

Taking into account best practices in writing for the web and SEO, we provided guides that outlined measurement recommendations, provided a KPI-focused content creation system, and an action plan for copywriting and language translation along with content quality assessment and migration plans. Our content strategy handbook and copywriting rubric helps their team consistently create clear, accessible, values-aligned content that uses an intersectional lens while remaining unapologetic to the brand’s ethos and personality. This collaborative work resulted in language and a content structure that is welcoming, clarifying, inspiring, and a little punk.

Straightforward path to support.
After the Dobbs Decision, abortion seekers in battleground states needed to find care sometimes hundreds or thousands of miles from where they lived. Central to the redesign was building the “find an abortion fund” experience to help abortion seekers clearly understand how to access care that was right for them. We built a searchable and filterable database of NNAF’s 100+ member funds. Each fund’s listing page displays the services it provides, shows key information to help users understand why they would reach out to one fund over another, provides real-time updates as to whether funds are open or closed, and gives next steps for reaching out.

A static site with complex integrations.
NNAF is a frequent target of attacks by anti-choice groups. To increase site security, we decoupled the content management system from the website publishing process by building a static site using Stratic. In addition to security concerns, we needed to build a CMS and site experience their non-technical staff could keep regularly up-to-date. For ease-of-use, we integrated Salesforce to automatically surface content to the website once updated in the database.

We added real-time search and filtering of fund data using Algolia. All content on the website, including the searchable profile data housed in Salesforce is highly performant on mobile devices, from which their website receives the majority of inbound traffic, and translated into Spanish by a native speaker displayed by an added Polylang integration.

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