Team Rubicon / A data-driven experience ready for anything.
CMS development, Content strategy, Creative design, Data visualization, Website design, Website development

The biggest brand nobody has ever heard of.
Team Rubicon is a veteran-led humanitarian organization that serves global communities before, during, and after disasters and crises. Formed in 2010 by a small group of former Marines compelled to service following the devastating earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, the organization has grown into an internationally-known, volunteer-driven disaster response force.

As it prepared for the next phase of its growth, Team Rubicon sought to preserve the scrappiness and ambition that is core to its DNA while professionalizing its operations and brand touchpoints—including the content, design, and functionality of its primary website. Threespot’s long history of working with some of the world’s largest and most recognizable humanitarian organizations made us the perfect partner to redesign the front door to Team Rubicon’s rapidly evolving mission.
A lifecycle approach to content strategy
Like most large organizations, Team Rubicon serves varying audiences whose needs naturally evolve throughout their engagement. Complicating this, Team Rubicon’s users range from seasoned volunteers to residents of disaster-stricken communities just hoping to confirm the organization’s legitimacy.
To ensure the site is optimized to serve the needs of all of these audiences, Threespot developed a circular content strategy which clearly tells newer users who they are, what they do, and how to get involved, while also enticing more invested users to continue to stay engaged even after their first conversion. This content strategy relies on an inform-act-engage model that transcends the rigid traditional engagement ladder, ensuring that Team Rubicon’s users are given a clear and logical pathway to joining its community.

An engaging, inspiring storytelling platform
Team Rubicon is an international organization whose most meaningful relationships are built face-to-face, at a local level, with the clients, volunteers, and survivors most invested in the health and safety of their communities. To create a new website that effectively conveys this human story with empathy and compassion, Threespot designed a refined, approachable visual system based on Team Rubicon’s traditionally bold and gritty visual identity. To inspire volunteers, donors, partners, and staff, the website’s components were designed to showcase Team Rubicon’s world-class photography and videography.
The website became a platform for storytelling that empowers content authors to create a compelling narrative centered on the courage and resilience of disaster survivors and the critical role that Team Rubicon can play in helping these communities thrive: before, during, and after the storm.

A data-driven switchboard optimized for conversion
Threespot developed a site architecture that is fine-tuned to encourage users to incrementally engage deeper with the website. Under the hood, a WordPress-based content management system is integrated with Team Rubicon’s operations database, pulling in real-time data about the number and nature of ongoing operations and enabling data-driven storytelling that captures the urgency of their mission.
Additional integrations with the customer relationship management and donations platforms allow content authors to create seamless handoff points from the primary website to various conversion actions. Lastly, to further maximize conversion, Threespot developed a personalized content strategy and technology solution that dynamically customizes select aspects of the site content and calls-to-action based on certain characteristics of site visitors, including their location, referral pathway, and other behavioral patterns.

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